P.A. Nationals - Registration Form
Lakers PA Nationals Little League PA Nationals

Registration Form (Little League & OBA)

Step 1: Package Step 2: Age Step 3: Volunteer Step 4: Registration Step 5: Payment

Step 1

Players have the option of selling BOGO Golf Cards, OR, Opting out by paying the Buy Out Fee.

Fundraising Is Mandatory

  • Minor - Major will be asked to sell 5 BOGO golf/food cards at a cost of $20 each (totalling $100). These MUST be paid for at registration. When you sell them you keep the money. A $50 buy-out option is available.
  • T-Ball & Coach Pitch will be asked to sell 3 BOGO golf/food cards at a cost of $20 each (totalling $60). These MUST be paid for at registration. When you sell them you keep the money. A $30 buy-out option is available.
  • 18U - 15U will be asked to sell 5 BOGO golf/food cards at a cost of $20 each (totalling $100). These MUST be paid for at registration. When you sell them you keep the money. A $50 buy-out option is available.

Select Package

Welcome to the registration for our 2025 Season!

Online registration - Mon, March 10th - Sat, April 5th
In-person registration at George Burke Clubhouse - Sat, March 29th from 11:00 - 2:00. Cash or cheque only. 


Dates to Note on Your Calendar:

  • Season expected to run from mid-May to end of July, inclusive of playoffs if applicable (weather and field dependent)
  • Evaluations - Minor & Major, OBA AA (18U) - Sunday, April 6th at LU Hangar 
    • Minor last name A-L - 4:30 - 5:30 pm
    • Minor last name M-Z - 5:30 - 6:30 pm
    • Major - 6:30 - 8:00 pm
    • OBA AA (18U) - 8:00 - 9:30
  • Evaluations - OBA A (15U) - Sunday, April 13th 2:00 - 3:30 pm
  • Jamboree at the Border Cats game - Sunday, July 6th
    • free admission for all players and coaches


New This Year:

  • PA Nationals clothing - COMING SOON! Watch our Facebook page and website for more information
  • Practices at our Lakers Thunder Bay indoor facility for Minor, Major and OBA divisions




  • T-Ball: Mondays and Wednesdays
  • Coach Pitch: Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Minor: Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Major: Mondays and Wednesdays
  • 15U and 18U Combined: Monday to Friday